Lenten Series: A Lenten Journey through the Psalms CXL

St. Mark's Episcopal Church

The psalms, the original prayers of the people, are as familiar to us as they are strange.  In this three-week study, we will look closely at a series of psalms that depict a variety of human experiences: The experience of order, of confusion, of despair, and of joy in a God who saves.  We will discuss what the psalms imply that we can include in our prayer life, including pointing an angry finger at God on occasion, as well as what they teach us about how to understand scripture.  Most importantly, the psalms will reveal that the human journey into God's future, which we consciously explore during Lent, was present in the Jewish tradition long before Jesus.  No advance reading is needed, though you are invited to review and meditate on the psalms linked below before we meet.  And in honor of the psalms, know that all of your questions about faith and God are not only allowed at this study, but celebrated!  
Order: Psalm 1

Confusion: Psalm 73

Despair: Psalm 22 and Psalm 88
Joy: Psalm 150