Imagine Church - An experiment in on-line worship, Diocese of Atlanta

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As a community centered on Jesus Christ, crucified, risen, and living among us, worship is at the heart of our purpose and identity.  In worship, we imagine and reimagine our individual and collective lives in light of a love that is stronger than death.

Grounded in the Episcopal Church, one of the historic Christian denominations, our worship is shaped by well-worn patterns of singing, prayer, engaging with sacred texts, and responding in faith — all reimagined for our time and place.

While the particulars may change, we join in worship time after time seeking:

  • Wisdom for our lives in the sacred stories of God
  • Encounter with God through prayer, music, and sacraments (traditions and practices based on the teachings of Jesus)
  • Transformation in our lives and in the world, as the Spirit of God awakens us to love and moves us to action​ in Jesus' name 

​We invite you to gather with us for worship each fourth Sunday of the month at 7:00 p.m. as we imagine a world renewed by God's love and power.