Raise to Renew - Frequently Asked Questions


The Project

What is a Capital Campaign?

A capital campaign raises funds above and beyond regular giving and normal tithes and offerings, for the purpose of making major renovations/improvements to the church.

The capital campaign seeks to inspire the congregation to express their gratitude for the gift that is our church by making a financial gift outside of/in addition to their regular pledge. If God has done something for us through St. Mark’s that gave us joy, healing, and acceptance, we can share that with each other and with our neighbors by taking care of our glorious property. A capital campaign is also a spiritual journey enabling each donor to connect to the generous heart of God and the church.

How is a capital campaign different from an annual pledge drive?

The pledge drive funds the ongoing operational costs of the church, such as salaries, utilities, and lay ministries.

 A capital campaign funds projects of exceptional complexity and expense, such as the stabilizing of our church tower, the addition of an elevator, and, now, the renovation of our sanctuary.

What is the scope and cost of the project that requires funding above and beyond annual giving?

Roof leaks resulted in plaster damage and peeling paint. Repairing the damage will require relocating church services to the parish hall, moving pews, and erecting scaffolding. The scaffolding presents an exceptional opportunity to replace the sound system, upgrade lighting, and bringing century-old wiring to code. As additional funding is available, we will be able to refresh the narthex, repair the floors and recarpet. Projected total cost is $700,000.

Why is the project being undertaken now?

Once the roof was replaced, repair and painting had to wait until the walls had dried completely. We also wanted a permanent rector in place before committing to the campaign and construction.

When will the campaign conclude, and when will construction begin?

The campaign will kick off on Palm Sunday, March 24, 2024. In late May, 2024, there will be an in-gathering and blessing of pledges. However, new pledges will be welcomed throughout the three-year campaign.

Construction on each phase will begin when the cost of that particular phase has been fully pledged.

Who will manage the campaign, design the renovation, and oversee construction?

The Campaign Committee is supported by the Rector, Associate Rector, the Director of Lay Ministry, the Senior and Junior Wardens, the Treasurer, and the chairs of Stewardship and Property.

An architect will provide design services, and a Project Manager (PM) will provide construction management services. The Chair of the Property Committee will oversee the design and PM.

How will this project advance the mission of the church?

Two stated goals of the church’s Strategic Plan are to maintain a structure of significant architectural importance, and increase the size of the congregation. Both goals can be advanced by the renovation of the sanctuary and narthex. We have frequent visitors, who are warmly welcomed by greeters and other members of the congregation. A renovated sanctuary would reflect our joy in our communal life, and further heighten the church’s appeal to visitors. 

The Pledge

How will I know what to give?

At St. Mark’s, gifts of all sizes are truly valued. We are a generous people, and a number of parishioners give sacrificially. In the chart below, we have demonstrated the growth of gifts over time.

In a typical capital campaign, gifts range from one to five times the annual pledge spread over three years. We ask that you consider prayerfully which level of giving is appropriate for your family. For those who are capable of providing a legacy gift from assets, information sessions will be provided throughout the capital campaign. Please note that we have received a gift from the Weinstein Foundation. We are profoundly grateful for and humbled by this recognition of our service in the community. 

What will my pledge total in three years?

Weekly Pledge
Monthly Total
Yearly Total
Three Year Total 



































