What To Expect When You Visit
Welcome to your church home on the Arthur Ashe Boulevard!
There is an old joke about the Episcopal Church and Evangelism, that our approach is to put a fish tank next to the ocean and wait to see what jumps in!
Well, there might be some truth to that! In good ways – it is not important to us what you wear, whether you know the Anglican names for all the furniture, or if you lived in Virginia 50 years or 2 weeks. Come as you are.
So, don't be afraid to come to church – we won't chase you down the block with pamphlets and pledge cards.
We will welcome you into our church home, help you find your way through the liturgy, ply you with coffee and treats, send you the e-news, give you a call or text if you like, and remember your name the next time you come, or when we see you out and about in the neighborhood. We’d like to say hello and get to know you!
So – go ahead – jump on in! The water is fine!
What to expect when you visit: a genuine welcome into a friendly and hospitable community.
During our renovation (October - April) we gather for worship in our Parish Hall.
The funny thing about St. Mark’s is that our front door faces the Arthur Ashe Boulevard – it is very grand and very pretty. But, our back door faces the big parking lot (which is free during services) – so guess which door most folks use – right, the back door. No matter which door you choose (and there is an elevator if you prefer) it is just a few steps into the church. Greeters are at each door and they will give you a hand in welcome, and a service bulletin which is your getting-started road map through the service.
So now you are here. Sit anywhere – we don't have assigned seating (either officially or unofficially). We begin with a hymn and the choir, clergy, and other ministers enter. If you have a child that wants to join in our Children’s Worship, they may join the parade. We'll bring them back for Communion. In fact most Sundays it is children & youth who present the bread and wine.
We start with scripture readings, a psalm, the sermon, the creed, and prayers. Then we exchange the peace which is sort of a seventh-inning stretch between the two main parts of the service. We greet each other with handshakes and hugs, and after everyone sits down again – an invitation to all to receive communion is extended.
Communion. The bread and wine are consecrated and offered to the people. Everyone and anyone present is welcome to share in communion. If you don't want the bread or wine, come and receive a blessing.
We end with a prayer sending us out “to do the work God has given us to do.” We sing the last song. Then it is time for refreshments and fellowship downstairs in the Parish Hall.
Children and Church - they belong together!
“We know it’s hard, but thank you for bringing your children to church. Please know that your family is a vital part of the community gathered in worship.” We enjoy the joyous background noise.
We welcome children in the church. We need children in the church. We have worship doodles and two "soft spots" to make it easier for parents to sit with small children. We also have a glider rocker for any little one who needs a cuddle or to nurse during the service. And our nursery (for children under age 4) is open from 10:15 - 11:30am. It has a changing table and other necessities to care for babies in need of a "pit stop."