Outreach Ministries

The Ministries to others undertaken by this parish are a vital part of our identity. The varieties of ways in which we share the love of Jesus with our neighbors are a carried out with joy and celebration. We continue to work on deepening both our faithful understandings of and witness to the Gospel through the work we do, and are called to do. We will continue to support the work of this ministry and those we serve through our time, money, and prayer.

These are a few of our ongoing Outreach Ministries:




As the CARITAS ministry model changes to residential settings for its clients, we change too!  Now instead of having folks "in the house," we go to their "house" - delivering delicious prepared food for our CARITAS friends.  CARITAS EATS is a mix of lunch and dinner service for the CARITAS WORKS program and the shelter programs at The Healing Place.  To help with CARITAS EATS contact Ed Street or Suzanne Long.

We have many opportunities to provide lunch & dinner:

Mock Interview Lunch 
2220 Stockton St.

Fridays 10:30AM-11:30AM 

January 31st & June 20th

Shift description:
Help our CARITAS Works students celebrate Mock Interview Day by providing lunch for them, their interviewers, and the Works staff. Please provide lunch for 20 people. Drop off at the CARITAS Center by 11:30 am at the latest.


Dinner for AfterWorks
2220 Stockton St.

Wednesdays 4:00PM-5:00PM  

February 26th and April 30th

Prepare dinner for 30-35 attendees of the AfterWorks program. Please drop off to the CARITAS Center by 5 pm along with any necessary heating instructions.
Shift description:
Prepare dinner for 30-35 attendees of the AfterWorks program. Please drop off to the CARITAS Center by 5 pm along with any necessary heating instructions.



Food Pantry and Meal Ministry

From 9 - 10:00am 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month, we are open to provide simple non-perishable food bags, a light breakfast with fresh fruit, and fellowship to those in need of welcome and a little peace. We have meal teams who work together to provide the meal each 2nd and 4th Saturday, and teams to pack bags the week before.  We appreciate your help and support in welcoming our guests inside for rest and respite.  Interested in helping out?  Contact Karen Franklin or Ed Street.


Food Pantry Shopping List

Click to see our Food Pantry Shopping List!  We appreciate all of your donations and all who shop to support our feeding ministry!


Wednesday Night Host Ministry 

This 12-step NA recovery group has met at St Mark's for over 40 years.  The covid shutdown was the hardest time to have the group elsewhere but they are home now!  They are family to us.  

Members of the congregation volunteer their time to support the 12-step recovery program Wednesday evenings from 7:30 - 9:30pm.  Call the Office to find out more about supporting this ministry of presence, 804-358-4771.




ACTS Bags - Spring/Lenten Project 2024

ACTS is a Richmond-based organization that helps working people in need hang on to their housing.  They do this through small monetary grants, budgeting help, and gifts of products not covered by SNAP.  Each spring we sponsor a gathering of household and personal care product to help support this ministry.  

ACTS BAGS List for 2024 - coming soon


Christmas for the Elders - Annual Christmas Project                      

A program to provide personalized gifts for older adults living in Richmond City district 8 who otherwise would have no Christmas. Personalized lists are usually available in November, wrapped gifts are due back mid December for delivery to our recipients. 

2024 Gift Lists

Labels for wrapped packages

McGuire Veterans Hospital

A ministry of presence to the patients and families at McGuire.  Ice cream and fellowship every other month.