
We seek to grow spiritually, worshiping God through Eucharistically centered liturgy, music, Christian education, and prayer.

As Christians, worship is central to our life as church. When we gather for Eucharist, prayer, or other sacramental rites, we are reminded of our covenant relationship with God in Jesus Christ. By gathering as a community of faith to praise God we support one another in our faith journey as we renew the bonds that bind us together as the people of God. What we do at Sunday worship empowers and encourages us to “go forth into the world” to do the work we have been given to do.

The Eucharist is central to who we are, how and why we move in the world, and what we do and learn and offer as a community.

Our core values of liturgy guide us in these understandings:

  • Worship opens us for conversion, is formation and forms us as a people to be sent.
  • Worship is mission: there are no outcasts, no foreigners, and our table is open to all.
  • Worship is our work: it is active, joyous, and engaging.
  • Worship is where divine and human meet: the Kingdom is among us, with us in the gathered community.