Pastoral Care

The Pastoral Care Team meets on the first Sunday of the month at noon. This team provides ongoing support to those in our community who are home-bound or hospitalized through visits, calls, and administering of home communion.  This group also manages the training and schedule of lay eucharistic visitors and flower delivery to the ill and home-bound.  We also send cards and notes to acknowledge birthdays and other occasions.

To nurture our pastoral ministry we read and discuss books relative to the work.  

 If you are interested in knowing more about our ministry of presence and prayer, please join us. 

Pastoral Care Forums:

Topics are relevant to the life stages and changes we all experience as we age.  Professional presenters from the Senior Resource Group of Richmond come to share their knowledge with us on topics ranging from senior living and home care options to wills and estate planning. 

Fall 2022 Senior Connections Resources for Healthy Aging

Winter 2023 Estate Planning and Planned Giving

Spring 2023 End of Life