Weekly E-bulletin

St. Mark's This Week

Service Assistants


January 26



Verger: MIke Evranian

First Reading: Mickie Jones

Second Reading: Jennifer Kaufman

Intercessor: Karen Franklin

Chalicer: Amy Strite

Acolytes: Reeves and Hunter Boschen

Ushers: Kristin and Dave Herman, Dan Hartman, Steve Clark

Greeters:  Don and Elizabeth Kyser

Children's Worship: Malinda Collier 

Nursery: Cassandra Price

Altar Guild: Mary Clark, Peter Walker, Jean Winne, Andrea Lofton

Flowers: Sanford Eberly

Coffee Hour: Vestry

Alter Guild Zoom Host: Malinda Collier & Nora Thompson


Sunday Readings:

Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10

1 Corinthians 12:12-31a

Luke 4:14-21

Psalm 19

Annual Meeting

Sunday January 26

Noon in the Parish Hall


Grab some Coffee Hours snacks and stick around to hear of the news of the church and elect our Vestry Nominees.

Worship in the Parish Hall! 


Please join us for worship!


For security reasons the front doors of the church will be locked at 10:45am with a sign pointing late comers to the side door.

If the side door is locked please use the elevator entrance.



A Letter from Bishop Stevenson


A Letter from Presiding Bishop Rowe


The Rt. Rev. Mariann Budde's January 21 Sermon


It’s Pledge Season! 

Our Annual campaign! 


Please consider your financial gift to support the work of the church in 2025. Pledges in any amount help us build our operating budget for staff, upkeep, and ministry.

It takes all of us to support this church community.


We have 91 pledges in hand

on our way to the 100 pledge unit goal!


Your pledge keeps St. Mark's rolling!


Pledge on-line!


E-Bulletins -

They're not just for the Zoomers!


Save a tree and give an electronic copy of the bulletin a try.


The ushers have QR codes you can scan and view the bulletin on your very own device.


One small way to help Mother Nature!


Altar Flowers


Donate in memory or in honor of a loved one! $50 supports one week's altars flowers graciously provided by our talented Floral Guild.


Sign-up on-line or email office@stmarksrva.org.

St. Mark's Reads

Winter Book is Social Justice for the Sensitive Soul: How to Change the World in Quiet Ways by Dorcas Cheng-Tozun


Grab a copy and start reading - we'll gather in late January/early February for a "souper."



12-step January 29 host is

Steve Clark


Don't forget to sign up to host this important ministry! 


New hosts are always welcomed and needed

Training provided.

Contact Suzanne Long for more information. 

Wednesdays 7:30 - 9:30pm


Diapers Needed!

January and February 2025


The Church of the Epiphany collects diapers to help those in need and distributes them each third Saturday.


If you are able please purchase disposable diapers in sizes newborn through 7, including pullups and diaper wipes.


Bring them to St. Mark's in January and February and we will get them to Church of the Epiphany.


image courtesy Pixabay Tumisi

Food Pantry on 2nd and 4th Saturdays!


Shop for our Staples!



January 25 Breakfast team is

McCauley and Herman Families



Contact Karen Franklin if you have a donation or assist with distribution, forpop247@gmail.com


Please remember in your prayers this week:


Parishioners: Meredith Franklin, the Tucker family, Jerry Long, Kenneth Decker, Garry Land, Bobbie Aiken, Jo Tyler, Mike Craft, Keith MacKay, Betty Leviner, Lisette Johnson, Becky Lee, Steve Row, Margaret Franklin, Phyllis Iverson, Juette Iverson, Marsha Iverson, David Christiana, Samantha Ridley, and Bill Piercy.


Our extended family and friends: Andrew and Gretchen Curtin, Debbie Abernathy, Jeffrey Matthews, Sandra Painter, Frank Eberly and family, the Owen Family, Ron, Pam,  John Golden III, Kathy, Barbara Taylor, Corey Sims, Florence, Edward, Stefan, Olivia, Michelle, Lee Hyden (Anne Kambourian’s daughter), the Dummitt family, the Downey family, Elizabeth and David Hardison, Ginny Jones, Ronnie, Nicholas, the Sonant family, Gloria Wiley, Amy Burks, Kristy Rose, Randi Smith, Marion Broome, and Hollis Daniels.