Ministry opportunities and Calls to Action
Small Groups - Fun, Fellowship, and Learning: Books, Movies, Live Events, and lots more!
Curmudgeon's Lunch at Arianna's on N. Sheppard Street, third Wednesdays at noon.
Curmudgeon's Coffee Klatch, Tuesdays 10am VMFA Best Cafe.
Alter Guild - this is not a typo! Join the team that hosts our Zoom worship participants each Sunday morning! Training and support provided! If you are using Zoom at work - and who isn't - it is an easy learning curve.
Young Adults Ministry Group: - contact Ryn Kennedy kennedy.appstate@gmailcom for more information. Meets Sundays, 1pm at the church. YA skips holiday weekends! (picture to your right)
Women Rowing North book group for women of a certain age. We will be reading selections from various authors such was Mary Pipher, Louise Aronson, Westina Matthews, Katherine May on again well. First Thursdays at 3pm at the church (September - June).
St. Mark's Reads - a Justice & Advocacy book group encouraging the thoughtful consideration of issues of race, social justice, and equality. Our current book is Social Justice for the Sensitive Soul
Servant Ministries: Ongoing ministry shared with our community:
CARITAS Meals and Support - check Outreach page, calendar and emails for opportunities - we do a dinner or lunch each month. Our 2025 lists opportunities to be involved in this service opportunities..
Food Pantry Ministry is 2nd and 4th Saturdays, 9 - 10:00am. Help serve our neighbors by providing food for our give-away bags (list on-line), breakfast food for our 2nd and 4th Saturday distribution, set up and serve, and clean-up. You can also help out by packing bags the week before.
One-off Have fun and Give Back Opportunities: Got a day, got an hour - we can use it!
VA PRIDE, September 2025 Bon Secours Training Center, noon - 6pm.
Habitat for Humanity - annual opportunities usually in the fall. Requires Habitat sign-up. Ask Ed Street for more details.
Join Parish Life and help with church fellowship - after church fellowship, picnics, Advent & Lenten dinners, Epiphany, Mardi-Gras, etc. Talk with Mickie Jones about helping out with meals.
Porch events! Blessing of the Animals in October, Boo for Halloween, Marathon Cheers in November. Talk with Malinda or Suzanne.