We take seriously our call to “go in peace to love and serve the Lord.”
Mission work at St. Mark’s has taken many forms. We have been faithful to the many needs of our friends in New Orleans and along the Gulf Coast, going repeatedly since Katrina to work alongside those struggling to rebuild lives. Buck raised money for trucks and supplies for New Orleans. When trucks were needed for Haiti, Buck once again responded to the Bishop’s call and even though in his own words, “you can’t drive to Haiti,” we knew we couldn’t go there with them, so we put them on the boat to help with the recovery of the Haitian people.
More recently, the youth have participated in summer work weeks of service in Appalachia. We traveled to southwest Virginia to stay at Grace House in St. Paul, Virginia and for several summers did basic demolition and construction for famiies living in the area. The past two summers we did "in-town" service, working in Richmond city District 8 to rebuild a porch and install hand rails for an older adult resident in need of assistance, serving as a part of St. Andrew's Laundry ministry, collecting school supplies for Family Lifeline and hosting a CARITAS furniture drive.
During the Covid 19 shutdown our youth (tweens and teens) will do "at-home" mission learning about and participating in the legislative process, deepening our understanding of social and racial justice, and loving our neighbors as ourselves.
Call the church for more information: 804-358-4771, or email dre@stmarksrva.org