Transition Terms

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Terminology Around Transition, Search, and Calling:  
What Some Key Words Mean
The Transition and Search process has its own distinctive vocabulary and protocols.  Let’s get started learning what some important words in the process mean.
After David completes his ministry with us the Vestry has some choices in how to proceed in calling a new rector.  Happily, for St. Mark’s we are not in a position that requires a quick decision.  We are blessed with three clergy that although none are full time have already worked out the preaching schedule through November 21.  We have a strong staff to keep the office running and tremendous lay leadership to keep our ministries humming.  We have time to decide the best course for the church.  
Some options are listed and explained below.  The definitions are from the Diocese website.
Interim Rector – Temporary, usually one year or so 
The Interim shall work closely with the wardens, Vestry, staff, and other parish leaders to prepare the congregation for the coming of the next rector by identifying and facilitating healing where there are internal conflicts and divisions within the congregation.  The Interim will also help the Vestry and lay leaders align parish life and administration with the Constitution and Canons of the General Convention and of the Diocese of Virginia.
In this capacity, the Interim will perform functions normally undertaken by a rector on a full-time basis. Working with the Vestry and other lay leaders, the Interim will:
1)     Manage the church office and will provide general direction to the staff; 
2)     Attend and preside at vestry meetings and any planned retreats;
3)     Conduct the worship of the parish; and,
4)     Tend to the pastoral needs of the staff and congregation.
Priest-in-Charge – Three Years
The Bishop of Virginia appoints the Priest to lead the Church as pastor, worship leader, and teacher, sharing in the councils of this congregation and of the whole Church, in communion with the Bishop. By word and action, informed at all times by the Holy Scripture, the Book of Common Prayer, and the Constitution and Canons of the General Convention and of our Diocese, the Priest shall proclaim the Gospel, love and serve Christ's people, nourish them to glorify God in this life and in the life to come.
The Priest-in-Charge’s ministry includes not only activities directed to the parish and its wellbeing but also to the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia and the community. The Priest in Charge shall attend Convention, Clergy Conferences, Fresh Start, and others “Councils of the Church” and is encouraged to participate in a clergy support group and/or spiritual direction.
This Letter of Agreement is for an initial term of three years, during which time the Priest will be appointed as Priest-in-Charge of the Church. Prior to the conclusion of the three year period, but after no less than 18 months, there shall be an evaluation of the ministry. At the conclusion of the evaluation, and with the consent of the Bishop, the Priest may be considered for election as rector in a process of election approved by the Bishop and consistent with the Canons.
Further, it is stipulated that there shall be annual evaluations of the mutual ministry of Priest and congregation, and that the initial evaluation shall take place after Priest has been in place approximately six months with subsequent annual evaluations.
Rector – Permanent
The Rector shall lead the Church as pastor, priest, and teacher, sharing in the councils of this congregation and of the whole Church, in communion with the Bishop. By word and action, informed at all times by the Holy Scriptures, the Book of Common Prayer, and the Constitution and Canons of the General Convention and of our Diocese, the Rector shall proclaim the Gospel, love and serve Christ’s people, nourish them, and strengthen them to glorify God in this life and in the life to come.
The Rector’s ministry includes not only activities directed to the parish and its wellbeing but also to the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia and the community. The Rector shall attend Convention, Clergy Conferences, Fresh Start, and others “Councils of the Church” and is encouraged to participate in a clergy support group and/or spiritual direction. 
Search Process:
National Search – Unlimited and expansive advertisement of the parish profile. A candidate submits their name to the search team via the diocese transition officer.
Targeted Search – The Bishop working with the transition officer provides candidate names for the search team to consider – usually 3 to 5 which the Bishop feels are potential good matches for the church.  
As example the process that called Father David to St. Mark’s was a targeted search for a Priest-in-Charge.   David began his ministry with us in June of 2012. He was elected (by the Vestry) Rector in May 2014.  We did not have an Interim prior to David’s coming, Buck in his role as Associate Rector managed the worship and other functions associated with a rector or interim.  
Our previous Rector, Rev. Margaret Watson was called after a national search process to St. Mark’s as Rector.  
Malinda Collier