ZOOM - How to use it!
So, you’ve never used Zoom before and now you have an invitation to join us for virtual worship at St. Mark’s. We love seeing you, and we are all new at this. Here are some helpful tips
How to access the Zoom meeting for virtual worship:
You can access a Zoom meeting in three ways. Choose the one below that works best for you:
Use a computer (desktop or laptop)
- When you click on the link you received in your email, you’ll be prompted to the Zoom meeting and asked to enter your name. You may need to download Zoom onto your computer. It is free, and should be very easy to do that once you allow it to do so.
- When asked for your name, let us know you’re there by typing in whatever name you wish to use!
- You will see two options, Phone Call or Computer Audio. Computer Audio is the default, so you will see “Join by Computer Audio” which means you’ll hear through your computer speakers. If your computer doesn’t have speakers, you can use the “call by phone” option from any phone in your home. You’ll see the screen on your computer, but will listen and talk through your phone.
- If your computer has a camera, you’ll be able to be seen on the screen.
- To be sure your camera is on, you want to be sure the camera icon on the bottom of your screen is green.
- To be sure your microphone is on, you want to be sure the microphone icon on the bottom of your screen is green.
- If you don’t have a camera or your camera isn’t turned on, you can still see other people but your screen will appear dark but display the name you entered when you join the meeting. We will still know that you’re there!
Use a smartphone/mobile phone/iPad
- You can click on the link in an email and it will prompt you to use the Zoom app. This might happen automatically, or you may be prompted to install Zoom on your device.
- You will see two options: “Call via Device Audio” or “Dial In”
- If you select, “Call via Device Audio” your phone will pick up all the sounds you’re making while your phone is on. If you select “Dial In” you will make a separate phone call from the video you are seeing and can control your phone settings like you usually do.
- If you want others to see you, you need to be sure that your camera is on.
Use a phone to call in (cell phone or landline phone)
- Instead of using a computer or cell phone, you can dial the number in your email from any phone. On the Zoom meeting, we will see a picture of a telephone and we may need to ask for your name so we know who it is. We won’t see you, but you can hear and you can talk, just like you would on any other phone call.
Here are detailed instructions from Zoom, with pictures, about how to join a meeting from any device: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362193-Joining-a-Meeting
What Happens During Worship?
- You should have your worship bulletin available, which will be in the email/Constant Contact that we send each week. This will help you follow the service. You can also use the Book of Common Prayer! We’ll announce the page number at the beginning of each service we hold, but usually it will be the Liturgy of the Word on page 355.
- We will open our virtual doors 30 minutes before any worship service. This will be the time you can talk to each other informally as we’re signing on. People present in the church can also talk with you. Our clergy will be present for open chatting and we’d love to welcome you, see your face and/or hear your voice! So feel free to join at any time.
- At 10:25, we will mute everyone. Please keep your microphones on mute so that everyone can hear all parts of worship. Please do speak along all parts in your own home, knowing that God hears all of us!
- When worship closes, you can unmute everyone’s microphones and allow free talking again!
- The chat bar will always be open in case you need to send a message to the group while we are all on mute. Keep in mind that clergy leading the service are leading the service, so if someone else sees a question and is able to respond to it, we would appreciate that!